Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO
Shoppers check out Barbie dolls and toys on display at "Barbie Dreamland" inside the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Barbie, the movie, is scheduled to open in cinemas this Wednesday, July 19, 2023, despite calls for a ban due to a controversial map of China’s nine-dash line. The Movie Television Classification and Review Board (MTRCB) has since allowed the screening of the film in the country. PHOTO BY MIKE ALQUINTO