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Nobel laureate Maria Ressa strikes again

MARIA Ressa, Nobel laureate and touted by her supporters as one of the world's most renowned journalists, has publicly castigated the Reuters Institute that publishes the annual Digital News Report.

In the 2023 edition, where Ressa's home company, Rappler, was featured, it said that Rappler earned a low level of trust among the online news platforms included in the study. On page 139 of the report, Rappler is said to have a trust rating of only 47 percent, which is the lowest among the 15 media brands included, while it is not trusted by 33 percent, which is the highest. Although Reuters clearly issued a caveat that since the survey is by no means exhaustive (this newspaper, for example, is not included in the list of brands), it should not be interpreted as a list of the most or least trusted brands.