Campus Press
Knowledge, culture in offshore awards


GRANTS/SCHOLARSHIPS for further studies/training may be applied to various cultural institutes present in one's country. As described in previous write-ups, training is usually for a small group of participants. These days though, training may be conducted online and in a bigger group. Scholarships 'focus on knowledge and understanding along with skills and abilities to make use of these to the best of one's ability under a variety of contexts.' ( Studies are likely theoretical. Certificates in these studies are credited and recognized as further qualifications.

Further studies and learning gains. Further studies provide specific information to increase our skills and abilities applicable to 'non-specific and unexpected situations.' They prepare us to creatively produce ways to tackle tomorrow's issues.' (https://www.talenlms. com/elearning/learning-vs-training) One's learning is focused 'on continually developing (oneself) by 'absorbing, understanding, and retaining knowledge, concepts, or skills presented during studies.' These can help us to become better in our profession/career; develop our ability 'to handle challenging and unexpected situations that arise.' This also involves 'interpersonal skills like effectively communicating with colleagues and people or dealing with conflict and mastering the art of negotiation.' (https://www.aihr.comblog/ learning-vs-training/)