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Trade Chief Pascual calls for 'soft connectivity'

TRADE and Industry Secretary Alfredo Pascual on Friday called on public and private sectors to push for 'soft connectivity' in the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines-East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) to support the economy of the subregion.

At the 15th BIMP-EAGA Summit in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, Pascual said increased engagements of the private sector in the BIMP-EAGA will help the region implement its priority investment programs which include roads, bridges, railways, seaports, airports, transport services, information and communications technology, power, and urban development infrastructure and services.

DEPARTMENT of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Alfredo Pascual. PHOTO: MIKE ALQUINTO DEPARTMENT of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Alfredo Pascual. PHOTO: MIKE ALQUINTO
DEPARTMENT of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Alfredo Pascual. PHOTO: MIKE ALQUINTO