Special Features
The Asset: UnionBank only local bank in Asia to win 'Digital Bank of the Year' 6 years in a row

Union Bank of the Philippines (UnionBank) has consistently proven itself to be the undisputed digital leader in the country's banking industry. Its recent win of an unprecedented sixth consecutive 'Digital Bank of the Year' award from renowned financial news and research publication The Asset Triple A is proof that UnionBank has indeed established a Digital Dynasty in the Philippine banking industry.

'Digital transformation has been a mantra at the bank and what's behind its rapid growth these past years. With a strong focus on client experience, embracing innovation, and delivering better outcomes, UnionBank has altered mindsets to become the winning digital bank in the Philippines. A testament to that was its success in acquiring Citi Philippines' consumer banking business, which was completed less than a year following its winning bid at the end of 2021. With the integration firmly underway, the bank has set the stage for its next phase of growth expanding its market share and staying ahead of the competition,' said Daniel Yu, The Asset's editor-in-chief.