Business > Green Industries
SDMP: Key to mining industry's sustainability

THE Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) in Region 2 (Cagayan Valley) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) said guiding mining stakeholders in the development of their social development management program (SDMP) will ensure sustainable development in the mining industry.

A precondition to starting a mining operation, SDMP is a five-year plan carried out during the mine's lifespan to bring about a sustained improvement in the living standards of the host and neighboring communities (HNCs) of mining companies.

MGB Region Director Mario Ancheta said three large-scale mining companies in Region 2 have recently undergone orientation on Enterprise Development and Networking in Santiago City, Isabela: the Didipio Mine of the Australian-Canadian OceanaGold (Philippines) Inc.; the London-based FCF Minerals Corp. and the Dinapigue Mining Corp. (DMC), a subsidiary of Nickel Asia Corp.

DENR-MGB guides mining practitioners in the development of their Social Development Management Program.