Onion plants kick off food-security drive

CABANATUAN CITY, Nueva Ecija: A program of the Department of Agriculture (DA) on food security, poverty alleviation, and sustainable growth anchored on achieving a 'food-secure and resilient Philippines' has taken off the drawing board in Nueva Ecija province with recent groundbreaking for five onion cold storage facilities.

Officials from the DA and the agency's Bureau of Plant and Industry's arm on high value crop development joined the activity held in the towns of Talavera, Cuyapo, Llanera and Laur, and San Jose City.

SHED NO MORE TEARS Talavera Mayor Nerito Santos Jr., Vice Mayor Nerivi Santos Martinez, PRDP Director Arthur Dayrit (fifth from left), Nora Angeles (sixth from right), manager of Bantug Agricultural Multipurpose Cooperative; and members of the cooperative pose before the newly inaugurated onion cold storage facility. PHOTO BY CELSO M. CAJUCOM