Business > Green Industries
100,000 coconuts replanted in typhoon-affected Bohol

SUPER Typhoon 'Odette' (Rai) felled more than 10 million coconut trees in the country and gravely affected the copra industry. San Isidro is one of the municipalities in Bohol that suffered a devastating economic loss with 130,000 felled coconut trees. Most of these trees had produced copra for over 50 years, causing uncertainty to coconut farming families in the municipality.

Addressing this is the replanting of 100,000 coconut seedlings in the area through the project RISE Coco (Recovery Intervention for Severely Affected Coconut Farming Communities of Bohol by Super Typhoon Odette), launched by Cargill, CARE Philippines and local partners.

The launch of Project RISE Coco. PHOTO FROM CARGILL