THE Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on Monday issued a resolution that aims to speed up the resolution of apprehension cases and reduce 'red tape' in the agency.
Under Resolution 008, series of 2023, the chief of the LTFRB Legal Division is authorized 'to sign and approve all orders/resolutions for Inspection Report Summons (IRS) apprehension cases' that are admitted and uncontested by the respondents, except for those involving no franchise/Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) or evidence of franchise presented during the apprehension.
The new resolution expands the list of IRS apprehension cases to include colorum violation, fraud and falsities such as presentation of 'fake and spurious' CPC, Official Receipt/Certificate of Registration (OR/CR), plates, stickers, and tags.
These cases were previously exempted under LTFRB Resolution 190, series of 2022, issued last Dec. 27, 2022.
'The decision to re-evaluate Board Resolution No. 190 to include colorum and fake and spurious CPCs in the list of IRS apprehension cases is part of the Board's commitment to comply with Republic Act 11032 or the 'Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018,'' it said.
Among RA 11032's objectives is to simplify and streamline procedures to reduce red tape in the delivery of public service.
In a statement, LTFRB Chairman Teofilo Guadiz 3rd noted that including these violations in the list of IRS apprehension cases will help in reducing case resolution backlogs 'for the speedy delivery of service.'
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