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How to resolve financial arguments between couples

WHEN two people get married, they typically bring different money habits into the marriage. One spouse may be a spender, while the other is a saver. Both partners have to learn how to compromise and work together if they want to avoid financial arguments. While for many couples this isn't an issue, for others, financial arguments can become a major source of conflict. My husband and I are no exception. We've had our share of disagreements over money, but we've found ways to work through them and come out as a stronger couple. To help couples understand and overcome these arguments, here are some tips on how to manage money more effectively in marriage.

First and foremost, it's important that both partners have a clear understanding of the family's finances. This includes what income is coming in, what bills need to be paid out each month and how much is available for savings. With both partners aware of their financial situation, it will be easier to plan ahead and make good financial decisions together.