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Carlo Evaristo's latest exhibit

Hi Society

Once again, talented artist Carlo Evaristo mounted an exhibit of his latest collections. With the help of hardworking and active mom, businesswoman Mariliese Evaristo organized the luncheon show at the Tapenade of the Discovery Primea.

Carlo is so lucky because most of his guests present are repeat customers who were eager to see the new collections. Present were guests who were modelling Carlo's collections like Dra. Liza Quirolgico, Minda Pama, Rose Basa, Mariliese Evaristo, Annabelle Adriano, Lovelyn Sagovia, Tessie Amparo, Jorge Hizon, Baby Ortiz, Chit Salud, Naty Pappas, Fortune Ledesma, Monette Guevarra, Nene Leonor, Ping Valencia, Emmy Gonzales, Virginia Lane and Virgie Monton.