THE Kalilangan 2023 festivity is set from February 23 to 27 and will showcase the delicacies made from a variety of seafood dishes derived from tuna and blue marlin. Mindanao State University (MSU) will co-host the city's yearly cultural festivity as the university is priding itself as the leading institution in terms of the promotion of culture and the arts. MSU takes the challenge of partnering once again with the LGU-GenSan in hosting the Kalilangan Festival 2023, hoping it could earn the best tourism event of the Philippines-Culture and Arts Category by the Association of Tourism Officers of the Philippines. It previously won the award in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Kalilangan Festival 2023 is expected to be worthy of another Department of Tourism nomination as Best Tourism Festival. MSU Chancellor Usman Aragasi, festival co-chairman, shared in his message the university's commitment to honing and developing culture and arts to the mainstream and in helping make General Santos City the Culture and Arts Capital of the Southern Philippines. The commemoration of the festivity recalls the arrival of General Paulino Santos, together with the primary pioneers from Luzon that arrived at the shores of Sarangani Bay on Feb. 27, 1939.