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The Luciano P. R. Santiago Reader


IN the past few years several historians have passed away who have contributed substantially to a better understanding of the past of this fascinating archipelago: John N. Schumacher (1927-2014), Fr. Fidel Villarroel (1929-2016) and Anton Poostma (1929-2016) are well known. Another of these great historians is undoubtedly Dr. Luciano P. R. Santiago (1942-2019) who, in addition, has a truly original research profile.

History is one of those areas of knowledge where many amateur researchers try to enter — perhaps mistakenly assuming that it is easy — generally with little success, but with the gratifying vanity of seeing a book published. Dr. Santiago was a psychiatrist by profession and a historian by love, and in both disciplines, a rare thing, he obtained the highest of reputations.