WHAT the Brazilians had feared happened. But when the shoe dropped, it still shocked Brazil and the rest of the world. On Sunday afternoon, thousands of demonstrators who were dissatisfied with the results of the presidential election invaded institutions such as the Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace in the capital Brasilia, clashing with police. This scene is almost a 'perfect replica' of the US' 'Capitol riot' two years ago. The US-based Atlantic Monthly published an article, saying that Americans set an example for the rioters in Brazil. This speaks to the consensus of many people - without the example of the US, there is no place for others to learn from the ugliest manifestation of democracy.
The riots were widely condemned immediately by the international community, which reflects that violent attacks on state institutions cannot be tolerated in any civilized society ruled by law. This is a matter of principle. It is noticeable that US President Joe Biden's tone was the most aggressive. He said that the riots in Brazil were 'outrageous.' Democratic officials have also denounced them one after another, associating them with the 'Capitol riots,' while the Republican Party is evidently low-key. The stark contrast between the two parties gives the impression that Washington's stance on this issue is based on the need for partisan infighting.
Supporters of Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro clash with riot police during a demonstration outside the Planalto Palace in the capital Brasilia on Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023. AFP PHOTO
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