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Privacy body's decision on Dado v Facebook Inc: Dismissed

BETTER late than never. As the year 2022 ended, I received an electronic copy of the decision in relation to the National Privacy Commission (NPC) Case 18-016 (Dado v. Facebook Inc.,), dated Dec. 6, 2022. On April 16, 2018, I filed a complaint against Facebook Inc., (Facebook) for alleged violation of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA). I am one of the 1.175 million Filipinos and among 87 million users worldwide whose data Cambridge Analytica, a British political consulting firm, shared to other third parties. I complained Facebook violated my data privacy rights when the latter allegedly processed my personal information and shared the same with Cambridge Analytica through the app 'This Is Your Digital Life' without my consent.

After reading the seven-page decision, the words 'the complaint is hereby DISMISSED,' just glared back at me. According to Maria Theresita E. Patula, Director 4, Legal and Enforcement Office wrote that it was dismissed 'for failure to adduce evidence to substantiate the allegations in the complaint, without prejudice to the filing of civil, criminal, administrative cases with the appropriate courts or bodies, and without prejudice to the refiling with the NPC in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the NPC.'