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Michaela Pfeiffer launches first solo exhibit 'Desnudo'

Hi Society

'Desnudo,' Michaela Pfeiffer's debut solo performance, opened with a bang and not a whimper at Fashion Interiors in 2307 Chino Roces Avenue in Makati City, Philippines. With so much faith in God, love for her family, and her passion for living, Desnudo is Michaela's premiere as an artist in the grand arena of the arts.

Without any qualms, Michaela introduced herself, not just her works, to an audience composed of dignified diplomats, esteemed artists, distinguished designers, the media personalities, her family, and her dear father. It was a sweeping introduction during the opening night last December 7, 2022. Michaela's entire collection of art works are best curated at Fashion Interiors by Paul Cornelissen.