Serbia troops on 'highest level' of alert over latest Kosovo tensions

BELGRADE: Serbian armed forces were on 'the highest level' of alert, Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said Monday, highlighting the Balkan country's increasingly strained relations with neighboring Kosovo over recent shootings and blockades.

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but Belgrade has refused to recognize it and encouraged Kosovo's 120,000 ethnic Serbs to defy Pristina's authority — especially in the north where ethnic Serbs make up the majority.

Italian soldiers serving in a NATO-led international peacekeeping mission in Kosovo patrol near a road barricaded with trucks by Serbs in the village of Rudare near the town of Zvecan on December 26, 2022. AFP PHOTO Italian soldiers serving in a NATO-led international peacekeeping mission in Kosovo patrol near a road barricaded with trucks by Serbs in the village of Rudare near the town of Zvecan on December 26, 2022. AFP PHOTO
Italian soldiers serving in a NATO-led international peacekeeping mission in Kosovo patrol near a road barricaded with trucks by Serbs in the village of Rudare near the town of Zvecan on December 26, 2022. AFP PHOTO