Business > Maritime
Contecon Manzanillo starts Phase 3 port expansion

CONTECON Manzanillo (CMSA), International Container Terminal Services Inc.'s (ICTSI) subsidiary in Mexico, recently commenced its third phase expansion project, which will increase its capacity from 1.4 million to more than 2 million TEUs within the next five years.

CMSA Chief Executive Officer José Antonio Contreras led the project inauguration with Colima Gov. Indira Vizcaíno Silva, Cmdr. Rubén Alfonso Suárez of the 10th Naval Region, Admiral José Rafael Ojeda of the Marine Ministry, and Asipona Manzanillo General Director Salvador Gómez Meillón.

Contecon Manzanillo at the Port of Manzanillo. ICTSI Mexico earmarked $230 million for the infrastructure development in 2022. PHOTO FROM ICTSI