Campus Press
Graduate Studies: an academic journey


Part 2 – Research defense, submission and graduation

GRADUATE studies as an academic journey starts after a student has been accepted by a university to enroll in a program with a major field of his choice for which the university finds him/her to qualify. Passing all the subjects of his/her program of study, including the last two subjects — Research and Statistics — varying in content for the masters and the doctoral level — qualifies the student to take the comprehensive examinations. Also known as comps or Candidacy Examination, these exams usually focus on 'knowledge and application of the research methodologies, theories and concepts that contribute/solve problems to the body of knowledge in the student's area of specialization. The comps are a mechanism to ensure that students begin thesis/dissertation work when they're fully prepared to do so.' ( In passing the comps, the student is referred to as a 'degree candidate.'