PRACTICALLY, the whole of Asia was once colonized by Western and European Powers. The Pacific Ocean was known as the Lago Española or the Spanish Lake until the signing of the Treaty of Paris when it became the American Lake. The colonization of Asia draws my attention to the question of treaties.
Treaties entered into at a time when we were still under the post-colonial influence of the United States should be reexamined, so that our national interests may be fully protected. A glaring example is the Mutual Defense Treaty of 1951 (MDT) between the Philippines and the United States of America. Strictly and literally interpreted, its provisions apply only to that area around the Pacific Ocean and not to the West Philippine Sea. The Pacific Ocean is that immense body of water to the east of the Philippines where American military bases protecting the landmass of the United States are situated. The words of the treaty are magnificently clear: 'Deserving to declare publicly and formally their sense of unity and their common determination to defend themselves against external armed attack, so that no potential aggressor could be under the illusion that either of them stands alone in the Pacific area.' (Italics mine)