Business > Agribusiness
LSPU makes big strides in ATBI

THE Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) is training at least 30 incubatees to also become 'technoprenurial' as part of its Agri-Based Technology Business Incubation (ATBI) project.

'LSPU ATBI has been aggressive in nurturing startups and MSMEs (micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprise) in the Calabarzon area. To date, we have more than 30 incubatees who have been undergoing technopreneurial trainings to prepare them to fully commercialize the university-generated technologies and products as well as agribusiness products of its outwall MSMEs,' Dr. Robert Agatep, LSPU vice president for research development and extension, said in an email to The Manila Times.

The Agri-Based Technology Business Incubation (ATBI) project of the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) with the Department of Science and Technology (DoST) also aims to enable farm-based enterprises to produce value-added products. Photo shows the products of the Cacao Farmers Association of Nagcarlan in Laguna assisted by the ATBI project. PHOTO FROM LSPU DOST ATBI FACEBOOK PAGE