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Are climate summits a waste of time?

NEW YORK: Next month, the latest annual United Nations climate extravaganza, COP27, will take place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Last year it was in Glasgow. Next year it will be held in (drum roll please) ... Dubai!

These big climate events have been around a long time. Since 1995, there has been a climate COP (short for 'Conference of the Parties') every year except 2020, when it was postponed due to the Covid pandemic. Over the years, the COP roadshow has traveled far and wide. From Berlin to Buenos Aires, Kyoto to Cancun, and Bali to Marrakesh, the COPs have criss-crossed the globe with the aim of finessing new agreements to see off the specter of climate change.

A person walks past a globe at the World Leaders' Summit of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow on November 2, 2021. COP26, running from October 31 to November 12 in Glasgow will be the biggest climate conference since the 2015 Paris summit and is seen as crucial in setting worldwide emission targets to slow global warming, as well as firming up other key commitments. AFP PHOTO