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NLEX celebrates the northern spirit, culture with 'Humans of the North' series

In celebration of the narratives that lend vibrancy to Philippine destinations, NLEX Corporation is launching 'Humans of the North', a mini-documentary series that showcases the indomitable human spirit, traditions, and cultures of the North. The campaign will unfold over six parts, and each will feature a unique story of an everyday man or woman from a northern Luzon province.

'Wherever we go, people leave a significant mark in our remembrance of destinations. Often it is the hospitality of locals and unique traditions that make us want to visit or return to places. Through 'Humans of the North,' we hope not only to instill local pride, but also create conversations that will engage travelers to look beyond the appearance of a place and look inward to its people and to themselves,' said NLEX Corporation president and general manager J. Luigi Bautista.