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'More Than'

ON September 24, the UP School of Economics Alumni Association held its 2022 Alumni Homecoming. The first time that UPSEAA had a physical homecoming was after two years of being locked down by the pandemic. With the easing of the Covid threat, it had a physical homecoming led by Batch '72 Golden Jubilarians and Batch '97 Silver Jubilarians. During the occasion, it also launched a coffee table book titled More Than. Emceed by Popo Suanes, Batch '84, the book launch featured Professor Winnie Monsod who gave an extemporaneous speech and former UPSE dean Emil de Dios who shared his thoughts on the book.

Professor Monsod started with this salvo: 'I was requested to do an inspirational message. This being inspirational, it would involve a conversation with Pepe Encarnacion. 'Coffee table book'? Diyos ko, Pepe, you would have a coffee table book for the School of Economics, that means we have come a long way... You know, if you have come a long way, you have to know where you came from. And our duty to everybody is to find out where the School of Economics came from and how it has evolved. You know, the UP School of Economics started because in the University of the Philippines it was a heavyweight even with its small size. Why? Because it exemplifies the university motto of 'Honor and Excellence'.'