Campus Press
Teaching history Part 1 – Philippine History cloaked in Social Studies


'We are not makers of history. We are made by history.' – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Public reaction. Various groups call to restore Philippine history as a distinct subject in the K to 12 — not integrated with any other subject. Seasoned Filipino writer Isagani Cruz in his write up commented that 'because the curriculum is so comprehensive, it is very difficult for a casual reader to identify the various strands that unify the content and performance standards of the different learning areas and grade levels.' (http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Ibalik_ang_Philippine_History_sa_High_School_Movement) The six-year gap in having no Philippine history subject between elementary and college is underscored by the Philippine Historical Association: 'With no Philippine History in HS, college students will have problems with their college history classes.' The association noted that the exposure 'of the student on the subject is too early [elementary level] and too distant from the student's next exposure, which takes place in tertiary education, where Philippine History is part of the General Education Curriculum in college.' ( Philippine_History_sa_High_School_Movement#:~:text=Although%20it%20does%20not%20have,integrated%20 subtopics%20across%20different %20 disciplines).