THE death of a youngster — so full of life, brimming with promise — is always traumatic, but it is even more devastating if a youngster takes his or her own life. Unfortunately, the incidence of teen suicides or youth self-destruction is on the rise. Easy fixes like asking parents to be more vigilant will not address the issue — after all, youngsters are very jealous about their autonomy.
One of the commonest reasons for youngsters taking their own lives is failed relations: boyfriends who leave their girlfriends for other girls (or possibly boys!), and girlfriends who reject their suitors. While failed relations can be difficult, that youngsters go so far as to take their own lives should rouse us all to the realization about the fragility of their self-esteem. A person with a healthy sense of self-worth will be confident about meeting someone else and establishing a promising relationship. A person who has a wholesome sense of self-acceptance will not so easily be floored by rejection.
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