Business > Maritime
DMMA partners anew with DEEPSAI to fund facility developments

TO further enhance education and training, the DMMA College of Southern Philippines (DMMACSP) signed a new term of agreement with the DEEP Scholars Inc. (DEEPSAI) to fund various college facility projects and provide scholarships to deserving students.

Present during the signing of the loan agreement on September 8 were DMMACSP President Gloria Uriarte and Vice President Florence Alejandre, and DEEP Scholar Association Inc. (DEEPSAI) Managing Trustee Brillo Reynes along with some officials of DMMA partner shipping companies.

Present at the DMMA MoA signing with the Development Bank of the Philippines on Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022, are (seated from left) Raoul Ramos (Döhle Seafront), Joanna Marie Cruz (DEEPSai), Brillo Reynes (DEEPSai), Gloria Uriarte (DMMA), Dr. Florence Alejandre (DMMA), and Abigeil Ignacio-Baraoidan (Veritas); and (standing from left) Kimberly Ballerda (DEEPSai), Tom Huelar Jr. (Dohle), C/E Pedrito Fadul (Veritas), Lucas jacinto (Phoenix), Dr. Jeff Rex Calambuhay (Hartmann), Capt. Jose Catapang Jr. (Hartmann), Capt Jerwin Bismanos (DMMA), Carmela Huelar (The Manila Times), Lyn Bacani (Marino World), and Ketta Geldore (DMMA). CONTRIBUTED PHOTO