'Taiwan independence' secessionist forces will never succeed – ex-KMT chief


Editor's note: Following United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's provocative visit to Taiwan, tension across the Straits continues to escalate. Amid a series of countermeasures and comprehensive efforts in response to US provocations and collusion between secessionist Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority on the island and the US, Chinese central authorities released a white paper 'The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era,' reinforcing the country's firm stance on the Taiwan question. Can the US be relied upon for the interests of the Taiwan island? As US politicians continued with provocative trips to the Taiwan island that further heightened cross-Straits tensions, Hung Hsiu-chu, former chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), the major opposition party within the island, said in a recent exclusive interview with the Global Times that Taiwan could become an abandoned chess piece by the US at any time and 'Taiwan independence' secessionist forces could never succeed.

GT: If the separatist DPP authorities continue to play the 'anti-mainland' card by colluding with the US and the West and provoking further countermeasures by the mainland, what impact will it have on Taiwan?