Opinion > Columns
About that Trump raid

LIKE any civilized person who is not a treasonous, violent bigot and misogynist, I rejoiced at the surprising news earlier this week that agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had raided former president Donald Trump's Florida estate. But after hearing the news, I had to remind myself to keep my enthusiasm in check, and initially resolved not to make this a column topic here on the other side of the world.

For one thing, any investigative action by the FBI, in this case the execution of a search warrant, should be handled with great care by the media, beginning with not speculating on why it was carried out unless and until someone in an official capacity provides that information. The initial source of the story about the 'raid' — it really wasn't that, but I like the word, given who was the subject of it — was the Tangerine Tyrant himself, in a spittle-flecked rant he released to the public shortly after the FBI visited his home; he was not there at the time, but was in New Jersey.