Campus Press
UST welcomes freshmen on campus

FOR the first time in three years, the University of Santo Tomas (UST) welcomed freshmen on campus for the traditional Thomasian Welcome Walk held on August 9, 2022.

For the past 20 years, since 2002, thousands of Thomasian freshmen have walked through and entered the university through the historic Arch of the Centuries at the beginning of each academic year to symbolize the beginning of their Thomasian life.

University of Santo Tomas freshmen enter the Arch of the Centuries at the beginning of each year to signify the start of their Thomasian life. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO University of Santo Tomas freshmen enter the Arch of the Centuries at the beginning of each year to signify the start of their Thomasian life. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
University of Santo Tomas freshmen enter the Arch of the Centuries at the beginning of each year to signify the start of their Thomasian life. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO