The Manila Times College of Subic (TMTCS) and Red Cross Olongapo held a
blood donation activity on Monday, July 25, 2022, at the Ayala Mall Harbor
Point activity center. Photo shows Red Cross officials headed by quality
control officer Jona Mae Liza, Frances Mae Almerol and Kathrina Mae Flores
posing with TMTCS dean of the School of Medical Technology, Dr. Jeannette
Fabian, during their visit at the TMTCS campus on Wednesday, July 20.
TMTCS medical technology students helped the Red Cross team during the
blood letting activity. TMTCS is committed to fostering ideals such as these
among its students. THE MANILA TIMES
The Manila Times College of Subic (TMTCS) and Red Cross Olongapo held a blood donation activity on Monday, July 25, 2022, at the Ayala Mall Harbor Point activity center. Photo shows Red Cross officials headed by quality control officer Jona Mae Liza, Frances Mae Almerol and Kathrina Mae Flores posing with TMTCS dean of the School of Medical Technology, Dr. Jeannette Fabian, during their visit at the TMTCS campus on Wednesday, July 20. TMTCS medical technology students helped the Red Cross team during the blood letting activity. TMTCS is committed to fostering ideals such as these among its students. THE MANILA TIMES

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