Business > Agribusiness
Malnutrition and hunger: The real issues

First of two parts

FOR some time now, lawyer Bong Inciong, head of the United Broiler Raisers Association, has been uttering statements against me because of policy differences over the issue of agricultural and food importation.

In a Senate hearing on the smuggling of agricultural products, he accused me that I am a paid consultant of meat importers. I immediately texted a common friend (Ernesto Ordoñez — I still have the text exchanges with him) to tell Inciong that if he could prove that I am a paid consultant of any importer, I would resign my post as the Department of Agriculture's (DA) undersecretary there and then (I am no longer holding that position). Of course, Inciong could not prove it because it was not true. His attack against me was a classic case of shooting the messenger rather than addressing the message.