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A call for the return of full transparency of the voting process


IT's done! A new set of leaders and lawmakers have been inaugurated and sworn into office.

To some, however, it is not yet over. A signature campaign exhorting the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to open 750 ballot boxes randomly selected for manual counting of votes and audit of SD cards was launched in https://www.change.org. The website styles itself as a platform for change. It offers the general public a venue to promote campaigns or petitions on issues affecting communities and invites public support. The signature campaign may be found in https://www.change.org/p/the-truth-petition-manifesto-exhorts-the-comelec-to-open-750-randomly-selected-ballot-boxes-for-manual-count-and-audit-of-sd-cards-sign-and-share-this-petition-now-click-here-bit-ly-truthpetitionph