Public Square
MG PH's 'Coming Home' available on Spotify, YouTube Music

MG Philippines enters the second half of 2022 on a high note with the launch of a new, original song, titled 'Coming Home.' The brand's soundtrack is an electropop single that is upbeat and energetic, featuring a driving rap verse that invites listeners to visualize celebrations, family get-togethers, road trips and the Filipinos' penchant for coming together and being one in a festive setting.

'MG Philippines brings people together, and the song 'Coming Home' stems from this concept of being together. Filipino families are tight knit. Despite oftentimes dealing with physical distance between family members due to work obligations and other endeavors, 'family' and 'coming home' are regarded with the highest importance,' MG Philippines CEO Atty. Alberto Arcilla said.

MG PH ‘Coming Home’ album art CONTRIBUTED IMAGE