Opinion > From Our Readers
Deep borehole disposal to get rid of nuclear waste

THE editorial of your paper on June 15, 2022 headlined 'Keep nuclear waste out of WPS' states, 'In our view, there could hardly be a worse idea for handling nuclear waste than this, and it is deeply disturbing that the head of the country's only nuclear agency would offer such an irresponsible solution.'

First, thank you for bringing up the important issue of nuclear waste disposal to the fore, which is actually the Achilles heel of the nuclear industry that has been ignored and that has allowed thousands of tons of nuclear waste to be temporarily stored near nuclear plants. Nuclear waste can be safely stored, and the technology has been thoroughly vetted at the IAEA. I actually agree with the editorial IF the proposed disposal method is the mined repository approach contemplated by many countries and in fact being implemented by the only country with a license disposal for nuclear spent fuel in Finland.