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Streamlining rules on transshipment of goods

IN order to streamline procedures in the processing of goods for transshipment and to delineate the duties and responsibilities of the different offices involved in the clearance of such goods, the Bureau of Customs (BoC) has issued Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) 15-2022 providing the rules and regulations implementing Customs Administrative Order (CAO) 12-2019 on the Transshipment of Goods. CMO 15-2022 supplies administrative and operational provisions to ensure that trade facilitation can be genuinely achieved by eliminating roadblocks that curtail the expeditious processing of goods for transshipment.

CMO 15-2022 specifies the scope and coverage of CAO 12-2019 from 'all foreign goods for transshipment' to 'all goods clearly indicated in the Transshipment Foreign Cargo Manifest as destined for a foreign destination other than the Port of Discharge.'