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Sheila Viesca pioneers career counseling and life coaching through creative writing

IT is a rewarding feat to be able to help people develop their educational skills to the fullest and empower them to make a meaningful contribution to the world. The well-known and leading institution – TalkShop—understands the hurdles students must overcome to succeed and provides them with valuable resources to be used in their careers. Hence, studying at TalkShop results in an unforgettable experience for those who chance upon the opportunity.

This was the case of Stephanie Mira, a registered nurse and writer, who dreamt of pursuing Creative Writing studies, but due to lack of family support, misinformation about career opportunities and various factors that led her to discouragement, she ended up studying a nursing degree as an alternative. After completing her degree, work and salary conditions at the hospital were not as expected. This led to further disappointment, compounded by the weight of knowing that she was not happy with the career she had taken.