The Sunday Times Magazine > Filipino Champions
Ginger Lim Dimapasok champions Filipino flavors in the US

From the moment you come across Ginger Lim Dimapasok, you will instantly notice a vibrant child energy in her. But what made her even more endearing to me was a reference to one of my most favorite movies of all time, 'You've Got Mail.'

When I asked how she ended up in the US, she answered, 'I was born and raised in Manila. Moving to the United States was not one of those things I ever thought I would do as an adult. After a year at Assumption College, I decided to redirect my path and pursue a culinary education. While doing some research for schools — just as an FYI, the internet was a brand new thing during this time — I met my husband, James while chatting online via ICQ and AOL. It was very You've Got Mail.'