Opinion > Columns
The Parlade thunder blasts on

A READER'S reaction to my column on Saturday must trigger this unintended sequel.

I quote at length reader Fred Yturzaeta's comment: 'I admire Parlade's courage and dedication show[n] in fighting and eradicating the long[-standing] problem our country is experiencing from the terrorist CPP-NPA/NDF group, but I want him to clarify his statement that Sen. Bong Go is part of the country's 'problems' and that he is controlling President Rodrigo Duterte's decisions. I remember it well what he has written in his column, dated July 30, 2021, [titled] 'Horror vacui.' Parlade mentioned that 'I wouldn't know how to handle an empty space should I encounter it now (his retirement from the Armed Forces of the Philippines). It is for this reason that I was excited to hear Sen. Christopher Lawrence 'Bong' Go as he called to ask me if I still wanted to serve the government. Without blinking, I said yes right away. I have never been so inspired to serve under an administration so determined to serve our people well. I could not let this golden opportunity pass.' Based on Parlade's statement, does it mean it was Bong Go who gave him the position in the National Security Council, [and not President Duterte?] Who's controlling Parlade?'