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Dr. Arturo B. Rotor and Emma Unson Rotor: Filipino lives worth remembering

I LEARNED about orchids from Dr. Arturo B. Rotor. I met him because he was the husband of an Assumption College teacher, Emma Unson Rotor. Mrs. Rotor was a teacher of higher mathematics, a subject I stayed away from, knowing my non-quantitative mind. But I had her in geography, and she was great. Mrs. Rotor as a mathematician had worked in the Manhattan Project, the secret project that produced the atomic bomb. This was at the time of no computers or calculators, at most just adding machines.

Many years after college, I met her again on the golf course at the Manila Golf Club and we played golf together for years. That is when Dr. Rotor came into my life. Actually, into the life of my husband and me. He was a medical doctor who used to play tennis but in retirement, he and his wife moved to Makati and switched to golf. This was in the late 1960s.