Despite the strict lockdown, the food and beverage (F&B) industry has survived the pandemic through digital transformation. The food delivery business in the Philippines and Southeast Asia enjoyed 183 percent growth in 2020 and would probably continue to increase, according to a report by the venture-capital builder Momentum Works. I had the opportunity to discuss via email with Arthur Fernandez, general manager of Riyo and chief growth officer of JCurve Solutions, on how their company could assist F&B enterprises in coping better with the pandemic through cloud solutions. With Riyo, a scalable and cloud-based service management platform, F&B enterprises could better digitize their delivery system through a centralized platform that could handle booking, dispatch and payment altogether.
Q: F&B businesses had no choice but to implement or accelerate their digitalization to survive the pandemic in most markets worldwide. What are some of the top trends, insights, or learnings you've seen in the markets you operate?