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A very important non-meeting in Jackson

Last August 27 was when this year's classic central bank general meeting was scheduled to take place in Jackson Hole, and as always, hosted by the US Federal Reserve Bank's (Fed) branch in Kansas. One of the interesting aspects of the non-meeting was how the Fed itself misjudged the development of the Covid-19 virus over the summer.

The annual gathering, always held under extremely secretive conditions, has taken place over approximately the past 40 years, typically in late August. In 2020, it was held virtually, due to Covid-19, and in a reduced version. Despite the closeness surrounding the meetings, the press has always present during the official part, and several Fed chairpersons have given extremely important speeches in Jackson Hole. I can only recommend investors to always follow the symposium, as quite often, unofficial discussions and comments are referred from the many participants.