Legal Advice
Cash incentive for Olympic medalists

Dear PAO,

After watching the recent Olympics coverage and hearing the news about the cash incentives received by Filipino medalists, I wonder what is the legal basis for this under the law and what, if any, is the rule in case of team sports. Do the members individually get the same amount or is it divided among them? I'd like to hear your opinion about it. Thank you for any information about this.


Dear Ziro,

Republic Act (RA) 10699, known as the 'National Athletes and Coaches Benefits and Incentives Act' is the governing law that is the primary basis for the cash incentives given to Olympic medalists. This law was passed to promote excellence in sports by looking after the welfare of national athletes and coaches competing for the country and by providing benefits and incentives for national athletes and other athletes who win in international sports competitions and bring honor and recognition to the country. (Section 2, RA 10699)