Legal Advice
Right of refund under Maceda Law

Dear PAO,

I have been paying a subdivision lot on installment basis for three years. Unfortunately, the recent pandemic has affected our savings and cash flow. Due to this, we intend to seek a refund from the developer of the amount that we could recover pursuant to the so-called Maceda Law. Regretfully, the developer and our real estate agent were uncooperative and did not assist us on our request. May we know if we can really demand for the refund and may we know where we can ask for assistance/complaint for such?


Dear Kent,

The answer to your question is best addressed by the provisions of Republic Act (RA) 6552, otherwise known as the 'Realty Installment Buyer Act' or the 'Maceda Law.' Succinctly, Section 3 (b) of the said law reads: