Opinion > Columns
Half full or half empty

HAPPY (?) Friday the 13th and midpoint of ECQ unless extended. So many vexing issues and dilemmas. The situation we are in reminds me of a very witty and on point New Yorker cartoon I am very fond of. Three people look at a glass and each has a different take. One says - Is it half full? The next - Is it half empty? And the last - Is it vodka?

That is how I feel about where we are. We are arguing are we half full or empty when we should be trying to find a way to make it vodka. Here we are at the midpoint of the first 15 days of ECQ and wondering what comes after - a return to GCQ, an extension of sorts, something in between but no one seems to have a new or better way forward. It is a draconian ECQ until numbers go down, then some form of MECQ and GCQ until the next flare up or we get mass vaccination done.