‘Brain fog’ is a general term to describe feelings of being mentally sluggish, confused, and pretty much out of it.
‘Brain fog’ is a general term to describe feelings of being mentally sluggish, confused, and pretty much out of it.

About 25 percent of Covid-19 survivors experience what's called "brain fog." This is a general term to describe feelings of being mentally sluggish, confused, and pretty much "out of it," according to a study by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). These symptoms can last for months after a patient has recovered from coronavirus, and can also be worsened with headaches, poor memory, and impaired sustained attention or inability to concentrate.

Yet struggling to focus is not only for those who have had the life-threatening disease. With a pandemic that still has no end in sight, the world has had to live with long-term, low-grade stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. These are the factors that tend to make the mind wander off, daydream, and zone out completely.

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