The Sunday Times Magazine > Arts Awake
Philippine Cinema makes a statement in Cannes


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CANNES, FRANCE: The 74th Cannes Film Festival has just wrapped up, and it's admirable how the world's largest international film festival resumed operations while ensuring everyone's safety amid the pandemic.

‘Dancing the Tides director Xeph Suarez and producer Alemberg Ang with the columnist at the La Fabrique Cinéma pitching session at the Cannes Film Festival 2021 ‘Dancing the Tides director Xeph Suarez and producer Alemberg Ang with the columnist at the La Fabrique Cinéma pitching session at the Cannes Film Festival 2021
‘Dancing the Tides director Xeph Suarez and producer Alemberg Ang with the columnist at the La Fabrique Cinéma pitching session at the Cannes Film Festival 2021