A woman looks at the Twitter page of pop star Rihanna in New Delhi, India, Thursday, July 15, 2021. It began in February with a tweet by Rihanna that sparked widespread condemnation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s handling of massive farmer protests near the capital, souring an already troubled relationship between the government and Twitter. Moving to contain the backlash, officials hit Twitter with multiple injunctions to block hundreds of tweets critical of the government. In the same month, the Indian government announced the new rules, in the works for years, that apply to social media companies, streaming platforms and digital news publishers. AP PHOTO
A woman looks at the Twitter page of pop star Rihanna in New Delhi, India, Thursday, July 15, 2021. It began in February with a tweet by Rihanna that sparked widespread condemnation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s handling of massive farmer protests near the capital, souring an already troubled relationship between the government and Twitter. Moving to contain the backlash, officials hit Twitter with multiple injunctions to block hundreds of tweets critical of the government. In the same month, the Indian government announced the new rules, in the works for years, that apply to social media companies, streaming platforms and digital news publishers. AP PHOTO

It began in February with a tweet by pop star Rihanna that sparked widespread condemnation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's handling of massive farmer protests near the capital, souring an already troubled relationship between the government and Twitter.

Moving to contain the backlash, officials hit Twitter with multiple injunctions to block hundreds of tweets critical of the government. Twitter complied with some and resisted others. Relations between Twitter and Modi's government have gone downhill ever since.

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