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Agri-Agra Law is 46 years old; it remains toothless and useless

NO verbal scam from the usual do-gooders, business groups, civic organizations and chambers of commerce has had the longevity of 'Invest in Agriculture.' From my adulthood in the still agrarian years of the 20th century to today's private bands of tech moguls exploring space travel (think Space X and Blue Origin), this calling has not lost its currency and agency. Now, during these Covid times when planting something and raising something are few of the preoccupations that don't require rigid masking and social distancing, the timbre of that siren call has risen to the soprano level.

The invitation to 'Invest in Agriculture' is not directed at the few business moguls that right now control much of corporate agriculture and Big A or Big Agriculture. These corporate giants host the grow-out entities; operate industrial-level chicken and hog farms; manufacture processed food items, including animal and aqua feeds; and roll out those cholesterol-packing hot dogs and canned meats for the low-income groups; or those at the second rung of the agri-wealthy, the food processors that have turned the importation and processing of carabeef into a real foundation of substantial wealth.