WHEN you ask most parents if they were able to save or invest on educational plans for their children, there's a strong likelihood the answer is a big "yes." But ask again if they have secured funds for their own retirement, it's most likely their response is the opposite. This is the common scenario whenever I have discussions with fellow parents. They will share with pride how they were able to secure the education of their children. Sadly, they're not as confident when talking about their own retirement preparations. Reasons such as "I still have more time to prepare for that," "That's next on my priority list" or "Bahala na mga anak ko (My kids will take care of me" are what you will most likely hear from them.

While it's every parent's responsibility to prepare and provide their kids with the best education there is, let's be mindful preparing for our own retirement years is just as important. Let's consider these realities.

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